Friday, April 09, 2010

Words of wisdom - From Manama

Last week when we were driving in India, Manama pointed to some dogs on the street and inquired about them. We told her that they were stray dogs. When she wanted to know what stray dogs were and we explained that these are animals without an owner and as a result they have to fend for themselves and that they do not have a home and have to look out for their own food; poor animals!

She thought for a second and asked us. "Rather than looking for food, why don't these dogs look for a master instead!"

Today as we were driving to the school, she pointed to a tree she usually points to and emphatically pronounced - That is not a weeping willow. The leaves on this tree is not the right shape and this tree is bent too low. I saw pictures of the tree in a book at school.

Now I do not know a banyan from a weeping willow but just to provoke her I said - It is!

Her answer had me in stitches

Trust me Dad, I know what a weeping willow looks like!

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