Her name is Maalini, but she calls her Manama. Well she could not say her name very well at that age and the alternate name has stuck. Sometimes we shorten it to Mana. Finally teachers have given her a nickname and shortened it to Maa.
To return from that digression, while in India we went around Belur, Halebid, and Shravanabelagola. This post is about the Shravanabelagola, Please read the link provided for detailed information - but to summarize, it is an important pilgrim center for Jains and for most others its prime attraction is a huge almost 20 meters tall monolithic statue of Bahubali. I have attached a picture below. As you can see it is very well made in all its proportions and details including toe nails, amongst several other features.

My older daughter is a teenager and she started giggling at the sight of this statue. When asked her what the problem was became red and quiet. Manama on the other hand is very outspoken and immediately pointed at the middle of the statue and said
- Look amma, look at his Bidhi-bidhii-bee!!
Now Manama at that time could not say the word Belly-button but she was always fascinated by it. She would instead call it Bidhi-bidhii-bee.
Thank god!! We were so scared what she was going to blurt.
Now admit it, you and I have a similar dirty mind and we are thinking of something else. I wont say what it is either, let us say we are referring to a nickname for Richard.