Sunday, April 11, 2010

The early bird catches the worm

I was never one for getting up early in the morning. Sleep was my first love. Growing up, we were constantly told to get up early before sunrise and greet the rising sun. Indians even have a ritual called "Surya Namaskar". I did not like the rising sun. I cordially disliked it. I could not understand what people saw in it. It still looked round!

My parents not only liked rising early, they also associated early morning with studying. According to them if one studied in the morning, one learned better, retained more in memory; ergo good grades.

They would repeat the well know adage, the early bird catches the worm.

When I clarified that I was a vegetarian, I discovered that my father had strong knuckles! I still have a bump in my head as proof.


Unknown said...

Very funny Raag. Very funny.
This post is signature Raag :)

Raag said...

Thank you Hims. We have not chatted in a while. What is your cell number?