Monday, October 27, 2008


We take this for granted. This is so universal in the USA that if the flush system were to fail most people would not know where to look and what to do. In fact we can mark the year 1907 as year ZERO in the Before Flush, After Flush calendar; anything before that was savagery and after that modern age. I am not referring to any flush system, I am referring to the system where the water goes round and round in a vortex which allows for better cleaning. There were other flush systems before but none that meant anything to the relevance of this post.

As always a brief digression; I feel at times that I chose a little too frivolous in making the toilet more important. There is an equally important item if not more important, namely the lowly Toilet Paper. If people in USA do not know what to do without toilets think how unsure of themselves they would be without the benefit of TP. I like the word unsure to describe people’s feeling. I checked its meaning in the dictionary and here is what it says

lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"

The last one “moving with uncertain steps” explains their condition perfectly. I think it is visual enough.

Anyway, enough of this vacillation; Year 1907 is the Anna Flush and the years before that Before Flush and we will defer the merits and demerits of TP over Flush toilet to another post.

Or better yet maybe we will defer forever.

In India flush toilets are pre vortex age. A huge amount of water gets dumped into the bowl in a rather haphazard way. Because of this the water has no coherence and beats uselessly against itself and the stuff. I refuse to name it by its technical term and other not so technical ones, and stuff it will be called thoughout. With this lack of unity shown by the water forces, the stuff insides fights hard and resists to be flushed down. It is like the Indian spirit; refuses to give in despite the conditions around. After a while the water gives up its hope and the triumphant stuff floats mocking at your attempts.

If you wonder why Indians have this extra tap and bucket even in western style toilets, well now you know the reason, they have little faith in the flush actually working first time. No matter the reason, you are merely grateful for this fact. Having a bucket of water is handy. You pour a bucket of water in one fell swoop, even the hardiest of stuff can be drowned successfully.

I never thought I would sully my blog about a post on stuff. I guess I am frustrated with toilets here.

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