Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Streak of Narcissim

15-20 years ago, the greatest dread of my life was the word horoscope. If someone asked for your horoscope it meant they were looking at you as a prospective groom for their daughter or niece. I was petrified by the prospect of marriage and that too an arranged one. Also I guess like all boys of that age I was still rebellious. The notion that in this age of science people actually cared what Rahu, Ketu, Shani and Shukra did or believed that these distant planets could influence your future seemed so 19th century-ish!! It still seems to me despite the passage of two decades. Luckily, I met a really, really, nice girl in grad school who took pity on me and decided to marry me despite my boorishness. Thus did I escape the horoscope.

OK you escaped. So?

Well I am in Madras at present and yesterday I met a friend of my parents. This couple had relocated from Delhi to Madras to be close to their daughter. They had some friends over at that time and pretty soon we were involved in the merits and demerits of Bombay, Delhi, and Madras. One of the guests, who had been raised in Bombay, talked about her recent trip to Delhi and described how the Hindi there was so corrupt. It seemed to her it was Punjabi laced Hindi that was spoken in Delhi. I am like Lady you come from Bombay where god knows what dialect they speak and you are talking about the quality of Hindi spoken in Delhi!!

Of course, I did not say it that rudely, but people who know me, know that it must have required a lot of resolution for me to keep my mouth shut. I casually said that in the 20 odd years that I have not been in Delhi things could have changed. You may remember from my past post, how I have evolved into an improved person. In case you do not here is something to refresh your memory.

My question still stands. So?

The conversation veered to where I lived and why I was here and if I came so often to India why I should not simply relocate to Chennai for the duration of the project. I told them that while that was a good idea, one that I myself have idly thought of, the problem was each time I came here I missed my wife and kids already and that they probably miss me too.

Will this ever end?

Well one of the older ladies had not spoken for a while. At the mention of my wife and kids, she looked shocked. She turned my parent's friend and asked her, how old I was, since it seems she was almost at the point of asking for my horoscope!!

Wow, I did not know I looked that young!! I sadly had to tell her the truth that I was a father of a teenager!!

Well, wonders never cease. I actually liked having someone (nearly) ask me for my horoscope.

Had a very rough morning today - I had to tear myself away from the mirror and my very marriage worthy and youthful looks.


Jannavi said...

Very funny incident. I am sure from your hor(ror)scope they would have found that you are greying :)

Thank heavens I had the forethought and chose 'boor' over 'horoscope!

Unknown said...

I dont know about evolution, but you are definitely becoming vain!

Raag said...

Hims - I am 42. Even at 24 no one considered me good looking. So I have no illusions at all. Bottom line, compliments on looks are always welcome.