Saturday, May 31, 2008

My changing tastes

I am told I had extremely poor taste in clothes. I preferred dull monochromatic shirts. Usually they were beige, gray, dark blue, black and sometimes white. I rarely wore nice polo shirts preferring collar-less T's. My friend Krishna on the other hand would wear bright colors such as Red, Crimson, and Light Blue and for some reason it would make me cringe. I probably felt it drew attention to me.

In fact my taste could have be described as follows; drabber the better

Something changed over the past half a decade. A lot of this was merely mental adjustment on my part that I am wrong most of the time. Along with this understanding came the realization that a lot of the things that were earlier important seemed no longer relevant.

Then I discovered colors. I am not saying this in the same sense that Columbus discovered America. This is one of those cliches on self discovery.

Now I like bright colors in shirts. These dresses were probably always nice; who know why my mind has begun accepting it recently. In fact on a trip to India 2 years ago someone called me a Metro sexual. I chose to take at it as a nicest compliment!!

Earlier I liked no variety in food. During the first 9 months in the US, my lunch consisted of 2 boiled eggs, 3 cheese sandwiches plus salt and pepper. My dinner consisted of 2-3 microwaved potatoes cooked with some spices along with 6-8 slices of toasted white bread and plain yogurt. I never got bored of this menu.

Now I try new food and actually enjoy eating out. That does not mean that if my wife made deep-fried potato curry every day to go with toasted Italian bread I would complain. My waist line may, I definitely would not.

My wife feels very proud about this fact; it took her 15 years to mold me to her taste!! I fortunately cannot make such a claim. She is unchanged from the time I met her.

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